General Information
Private vocational school for cleaning technology from the „Gebäudereinigungsakademie der Wiener Gebäudereiniger“ (Commercial Cleaning Academy of the Viennese Commercial Cleaners)
We train apprentices in the profession Cleaning Technology.
We support the talents of vocational students through optimal quality training to reach the best possible educational standard, as well as that of our profession, and strive for the best possible professional and personal success of our students. The training will take place in the academy, which is equipped with the most modern and technically current professional supplies and tools.
Subsidies for apprentice
Job Day on 07.06.2018
Please bring your job application materials and documents with you.
A requirement for the acceptance as an ordinary student in a vocational school is an apprenticeship agreement with an apprentice program. (Info D / E) mit einem Lehrbetrieb.
Upon acceptance of an apprentice the apprenticeship agreement must be reported to the appropriate vocational school (mandatory schooling in the field of the dual educational track).
The registration begins as of the 1st day of school (beginning at 8am) in person, and then continuing.
Please bring the following materials when you register:
- Birth certificate
- Meldezettel (Residence registration form)
- Citizenship documention
- Report cards from the 8th and 9th grades/levels of school, as well as any additional report cards
- Wiener Lesetest (Viennese reading test) results
- Apprentice contract (if available and/or applicable) or a confirmation letter of apprenticeship acceptance
- E-Card (Health insurance card)
- Completed registration (available as a download from our website)
- Passport photo saved onto a USB stick or mobile phone
- Writing utensils
If the apprentice agreement has not been placed into writing it is the responsibility of the apprentice educator to provide a confirmation of the apprenticeship, as well as the information concerning the apprenticeship location. If an apprenticeship begins after the start of the school year the registration of being in education must be provided within three days of beginning the trial or apprenticeship period, and any withdrawal from such a program must also be reported to the vocational school.
Reduced transportation costs for students and apprentices
Information is available from the Vienna Public Transport Wiener Linien as well as the Eastern Transportation Authority VOR
There are two types of reduced price transport passes available to apprentices up through their 24th birthday:
This ticket is good for travel on all methods of public transport in all of Vienna, Lower Austria und Burgenland every day for one year.
This ticket is valid for all travel every day on restricted lines between your home and place of education/training, in Vienna valid in transport zone 100.
If you are checked for a ticket and you have the Jugendticket or the Top Jugendticket you must be able to present not only your ticket but identification showing that you are an apprentice/vocational student.
For apprentices that begin apprenticeships in November but have a need to use one of these types of transit tickets before November: The ID cards will be printed at the apprenticeship office with the photo and are only valid with the stamp of the apprenticeship’s office.
Open/available apprenticeships
Cleaning companies are given the opportunity to list openings here, at no charge. Each posting will be removed after3 months if the company does not request to retain the posting.
Additional openings for cleaning professionals:
The Vienna Chamber of the Monument, Facade and Commercial Cleaners, together with the Commercial Cleaning Academy as well as other apprentice trainers in Vienna
8 cleaning technicians
– Apprentices for a 3-year apprenticeship, as of September!
Cleaning technicians are experts in all areas of cleaning needs as well as the disinfection and care of surfaces and objects. Cleaning technicians plan their work and independently carry out their duties. They are aware of the environment and building and material preservation is a priority for them. Their cleaning and care duties can take place in a professional and industrial setting, office rooms in administrative/office settings, glass surfaces and facades, as well as shops and showrooms. Hospitals and care homes, public transportation vehicles, illuminated signs, as well as workshops, machines and production facilities.
* completed mandatory schooling
* good German skills (spoken and written)
* ready to learn, flexibility, and team spirit
* physical stamina
* interest in cleaning and care procedures
* organization skills
Selection procedures at registration:
Take the opportunity to attend „Jobday“ on 05.04. at the Commercial Cleaning Academy.
There you can learn more about the cleaning profession and start interviews.
Please bring your job application materials with you.
1230 Vienna, Eduard-Kittenberger-Gasse 56, Obj. 8, 1+1A
REGISTRATION at: Anmeldung Job-Day
The Vienna Commercial Cleaning Academy and the private vocational school for cleaning techniques looks forward to meeting with youth!
The conditions for all apprentices are the following:
The apprentice pay for the working place as a cleaning technician is€ 707,00 EUR (before tax) gross salary per month.
AMS Contract Numberr: 9347890
School year 2017/2018
04.09.2017 through 29.06.2018
First day of classes
(enrollment begins at 08:00 Uhr)
Monday 04.09.2017 at 08:00 Uhr
Instruction times:
First class session:
Mo 08:00 – 12:25 (as of Mo 18.09.2017)
Mi 08:00 – 17:00 (as of Wed 06.09.2017)
Second class session
Mo 08:50 – 17:50 (as of Mo 04.09.2017)
School holidays:
During school breaks the administration office is not open.
However, you can contact us via E- Mail.
- Corpus Christi: Thursday, 31.05.2018
Schuljahr 2018/2019
03.09.2018 bis 28.06.2019
- Start of semester: Monday, 3. September 2018
- Austrian National Holiday Friday, 26. Oktober 2018
- All Saints‘ Day and All Souls’ Day holidays Thursday & Friday, 1. & 2. November 2018
- St. Leopold’s Day: Thursday, 15. November 2018
- Maria Conception Day: Saturay, 8. December 2018
- Christmas break: Saturday, 22. December 2018 to Sunday, 6. January 2019
- Semester break: Samstag, 2. February 2019 to Sunday, 10. February 2019
- Easter break: Saturday, 13. April 2019 to Tuesday, 23. April 2019
- Staatsfeiertag – Labor Day: Mittwoch, 1. Mai 2019
- Ascension Day: Thursday, 30. May 2019
- Pentecost holiday break: Saturday, 8. June 2019 to Thursday, 11. June 2019
- Corpus Christi: Thursday, 20. June 2019
- Summer break: Samstag, 29. June 2019 to Sunday, 1. September 2019
School Autonomous Days
School autonomous days are, according to the current valid legal situation, school instruction free days which are decided by the individual schools themselves or decided upon by the city school authorities. The number of such school autonomous days are determined by school type.
The days decided by the city school authorities must be decided on by 30 September in the preceding school year. Two of the instruction free days must be on days that fall between a holiday and a weekend.
General education mandatory schools
VS, HS/KMS, NMS, WMS, polytechnical schools and special schools can choose two of the instruction free days according to the preferences of their individual schools.
Two additional free days are decided by the city school authorities:
- Friday, 31. May 2019
- Friday, 21. June 2019
Vocational school
Vocational schools can choose four of the instruction free days according to the preferences of their individual schools.
Job-Day (Tag der offenen Tür)
Vienna Schools Day (Open House Day)
„Tag der Wiener Schulen“ Wednesday, 10. Oktober 2018 from 09:00 to 16:00
Apprentice Day
17. and 18. Oktober 2018 at MAK
More information:
About us
Your success is our goal
This Motto
is the educational goal of Austrian vocational schools, to set and define educational work and quality, emphasize the responsibilities and requirement of Austrian vocational schools for the image and quality of the dual educational track. It is our responsibility, together with our students and partnering institutions, to create professional and personal opportunities for success for our students at the highest level.
Vocational students
The private vocational school for cleaning techniques supports the vocational students through optimal training quality to reach the best educational and professional success.
We support the professional development, general education, and personal development and growth.
We support participation in public and cultural life and events.
The private vocational school for cleaning techniques secures a quality vocational education for students through quality staff and instructors.
We concentrate on the successful subject and educational level of the vocational teachers.
We create and intensify interest and readiness of our students through work with the quality management process in the school and administration.
Educational Mission
The private vocational school for cleaning skills defines, plans, and evaluates goal and quality-oriented processes of learning and dual educational work.
We arrange the lesson plans and the course content around the current professional needs and trends.
We build the lessons around clear and relevant goals, act upon, sustainable behavior, thoughtful thinking, and the transmission of social values.
Wir stellen die Ausstattung und deren Nutzung für eine praxisorientierte Ausbildung sicher.
We evaluate the work of students based on clear and transparent expectations
We solve conflicts while valuing the participants.
We guarantee quality through appropriate administration and management processes.
BD Ing. Dipl.Päd. Willy Schubert, School director
Kurt Gabriel, Cleaning techniques instructor
Christoph Guserl, Cleaning techniques instructor
Sonja Fantini, General education, Cleaning techniques instructor
Maria-Louise Prinz, General education
Sandra Kurz, Administration
Private Berufsschule für Reinigungstechnik
der Gebäudereinigungsakademie der Wiener Gebäudereiniger
Eduard-Kittenbergergasse 56 Objekt 8/1+1A, 1230 Wien
T: +43 1 865 55 05